Bermuda NA Beginnings
The very first N.A. group in Bermuda was started around May 1985 and met every Friday. It was called the Better Late than Never Group and continues to meet today. Growth was slow initially but by the middle of 1986 there were enough members with a belief in the N.A. fellowship that another group was started on Tuesday nights called the Unity Group which also continues to meet every week.
Following the success and growth of our two early groups, other groups were slowly added over the years as more addicts sought freedom from active addiction and saw N.A. working for others. We now have 11 regular meetings per week in addition to Hospital and Institutional meetings that started in the late 1980’s. One of those H & I meetings continues to meet every Wednesday night at a West end correctional facility taking the N.A. message of hope and recovery to those that can't attend regular N.A. meetings.
The N.A. phone hotline was started in the late 1980's for addicts in need of support any time, the general public wanting to know more about N.A. and N.A. members visiting from overseas. The Bermuda Islands Area of N.A. (B.I.A.N.A.) service committee was formed in 1989 to support and grow our groups and the local N.A. Fellowship as well as act as a link with the world wide N.A. Fellowship. Our first convention was held in 1999 and bought over 200 N.A. members to our shores.
In 2011, the B.I.A.N.A. joined the Florida Region of N.A. with the Florida Region supporting our local membership and service structure of proven N.A. service application. We owe so much of our local success to the support, hard work and positive examples of our early N.A. members. Even with all our ups and downs, no longer does an addict seeking recovery in Bermuda need EVER die without finding a new way of life in the N.A. Fellowship as we have. Click HERE to go to our "What is N.A.?" page for information about the global Narcotics Anonymous Fellowship.